How many times have you heard the phrase "you are what you eat"?⠀
Yes there is truth to it but eating and eating habits are complex- a constant battle between internal controls and external stimuli. ⠀
Hormones, stress, friends, the weather, socio-economics, education, family, exercise, advertising, emotions, smell, photos and even the clothes we are wearing can all influence our food choices. ⠀
Unfortunately we live in an obesogenic environment - an environment that has us surrounded by unhealthy & convenience foods.......petrol stations, vending machines, advertising, promotions, 241, BOGOF deals etc. ⠀
Whilst some work can be done to control these external drivers ( I mean try changing out of those joggers into something smart to eat your tea 😉 ) it is the internal ones we need to pay more attention to. Your body is trying to keep you alive, everyday - that is it's goal. It knows you pretty well and will let you know when you need more food & when you have had enough. You just need to learn how to listen to it 💆⠀
#nutrition #healthylife #youarewhatyoueat #5aday #nutritionist #mindfuleating